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Choice Products
woman celebrating a good run in the sun

Our products offer the most flexibility on how you receive care.

Depending on your insurance plan, you can also select a contracted physician or see any licensed provider. You can switch between provider network options at any time to suit your needs. Choose an insurance plan below to explore more details about your coverage, including provider options and guidance on how to get the most out of your insurance plan.

Need help finding your plan?

Provider Options by Location:

In Kaiser Permanente States: The PHCS Network for KPIC provides access to care in the Kaiser Permanente states of CA, CO, GA, HI, MD, OR, VA, WA, and DC. In Non-Kaiser Permanente States: The CignaPPONetwork* only provides access to care in non-Kaiser Permanente states.

*Disclaimer: The Cigna PPO Network refers to providers (doctors, hospitals, specialists) contracted as part of the Cigna PPO for Shared Administration.

For members who have a POS, Out-of-Area PPO, or PPO plan – For Information about Kaiser Permanente Insurance Company’s (KPIC’s) Network Adequacy Policy, please review our Frequently Asked Questions Document.

Select a plan for details

Point-of-Service (POS)

Our Point-of-Service (POS) plan provides members with access to Kaiser Permanente Plan Providers, participating providers, or non-participating providers in their community. See Plan Information


Our PPO plan provides members with access to participating providers or non-participating providers in their community. See Plan Information

Out-of-Area Indemnity (OOA)

Our Out-of-Area Indemnity (OOA) plan provides members with access to any licensed provider. See Plan Information